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Dana Gutkowski

I am the mother of none, but the very proud Aunt to four beautiful children. I did absolutely no work to create them, but I will do everything in my power to help raise them.

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Why do I send letters from Santa?  It’s not because I have 3 kids and one on the way.  I don’t take on the role of Santa because I look the part.  And I don’t play Santa because I have such fond memories of believing in him when I was a kid.  In fact, I have no children, I’m an averagely built, brunette woman, and I have zero recollection of ever believing in him as a child. 

I play Santa on paper and deliver letters from him through my business North Pole Notes for my niece and nephews and many other children around the country.  So what has made me take on the newly found title as Santa?  There isn’t a single answer to this question, so I dug deep came up with 13 reasons why to send letters from Santa.

Here’s why:

Reason #1 Why I play Santa:

I didn’t get to believe in Santa when I was young.

Yes, I know that sounds strange.  There’s a woman playing Santa who never believed in him herself.  Well, it’s the truth.

I’m the youngest of 3 children, and my parents didn’t put that much of an emphasis on him. 

My parents separated when I was 5 years old, the prime age for the mystery of Santa to really be explored.  But for better or worse, they didn’t try very hard to get me to believe.  There wasn’t much Santa teamwork.

As a result of their separation, they didn’t speak civilly EXCEPT during Christmastime.  It was only then that I can remember them spending time together alone – to go shopping.  So the mystery of where these presents came from was no surprise.

Reason #2 Why I play Santa: 

I was a long distance Aunt that felt a disconnect with my niece and nephews

I was a long-distance Aunt for 9 years. Thankfully now I can be that Aunt who can stop by whenever she wants.

I was searching for a way to be able to do something for my niece and nephews from 400 miles away.  It was painful.  There was no chance I could just pop in and say hi and that was weighing heavily on my conscience. 

I wanted to be able to do something for them that would enrich their lives.  Becoming their Santa eased that pain.  I could make them happy even from afar.

You can read more about my journey in my post Mother Of None But Santa to Three.

Reason #3 Why I play Santa: 

It makes them smile

This is my main motivation for why I play Santa.  He makes them smile.  Or should I say, I make them smile?  I’m not really sure.  Either way, how could I resist?

I will do anything for my nieces and nephews if it makes them happy.  I’m a huge sucker for bringing joy into someone’s life even if it means suffering through countless paper-cuts.

Reason #4 Why I play Santa: 

It’s fun!

Since I never believed in Santa as a child, I didn’t really understand the joy associated around him.  It wasn’t until I became him that I learned just how fun it is to embody the spirit of Christmas!  It’s my little secret that someday I’ll share with them, but for now, I like my undercover status.

Reason #5 Why I play Santa: 

I’m creating a family tradition

One thing that I loved about my childhood is how close my family has always remained.  My parents were big on tradition, following in their parents’ footsteps, but also creating new ones.

My Mom and I ALWAYS baked together when Christmas rolled around.  I loved picking out which cookies we’d bake and was very proud of myself when dessert was served and she’d say, “Dana made those!”

No matter what our differences throughout the years, our traditions were the glue that held us together.  They were something that we could all look forward to.  Now that I’ve added a new one into the mix, we’ve made it our own.  And hopefully, my future grand nieces and nephews will love it too!

Reason #6 Why I play Santa: 

Everyone needs a little magic in their lives – especially kids

The world is seemingly filled with chaos and tragedy (at least it seems that way according to the nightly news).  It’s important that we don’t get bogged down with all of the horror stories we keep hearing. Rather, let’s invite joy and happiness into the mix. 

Who’s more joyful than Santa?  Not sure I have an answer for that.  Santa is a vacation from our problems.  He’s the glimmer of hope, reminding us to have faith in the goodness of others.

Reason #7 Why I play Santa: 

He embodies the spirit of Christmas

The spirit of Christmas can’t be described accurately for everyone.  But it can be said that it’s that good feeling inside which is unique to everyone.  It fills up our hearts and collectively, we’re all in better moods.  He’s the symbol of charity, doing right by others, and promoting kindness to all.

Reason #8 Why I play Santa: 

I engage their imagination

Santa is this mythical character that no one ever has the exact same story for.  Everyone has a slight variation on how Santa delivers presents to their home. But how many talk about what Santa’s doing when it’s not Christmas Eve? 

I engage their imagination by writing notes about what Santa’s doing in the “off-season”.  Mrs. Claus is homeschooling the elves and Rudolph likes to jump in the leaves during the fall.  Yes, I know he lives in the North Pole and there aren’t leaves there, but that doesn’t matter to children.  Their minds are engaged and their imaginations are captured.  He’s got their attention.

Reason #9 Why I play Santa: 

It helps them to believe in something greater than themselves

I’m not speaking about religion.  My take on Santa has nothing to do with religious views.  To be happy, you have to think outside of just you and your needs.  Santa is about the greater good.

Reason #10 Why I play Santa: 

He makes them think

Provoking thought in children is very healthy for them.  It activates their critical thinking skills and aids in their brain development.  Read up on the importance of critical thinking Teaching Children to Think

Reason #11 Why I play Santa: 

I’m creating lasting memories

I know that I won’t be able to do the Santa thing for too many years.  There will come a point when I will have to retire the letters that I send to my niece and nephews, but in the meantime, I’m creating lasting memories. 

The greatest gifts are not the ones that take up room on our shelves. The best gifts are the ones that leave lifelong impressions and fill up our hearts.  Memories can’t be outgrown, played out, or broken, they’re timeless.

Reason #12 Why I play Santa: 

It Doesn’t Last Forever

You only have so long before the beauty of naivety and childhood run out. That magical window of countless opportunities and limitless imagination has a shelflife. Why not take advantage of that?

Honestly, I can’t believe that my nieces and nephews are now 15, 11, 8, and 5.  I feel like I was JUST at the hospital greeting them into the world.  Time flies.   Early childhood is highly impressionable, and we have the ability to create precious memories. Why not take advantage of that?

Reason #13 Why I play Santa:

I believe in Santa

Yes, I know I said I never believed in him as a child, but I do believe in him now.  Why?  Because I am Santa.  You are Santa.  He’s not a single person, he’s a figure that lives inside of all of us who’s there to spread joy, happiness, and love to all of those who choose to spread his spirit. I have made that choice, what about you?

Check out the complete collection of year round letters from Santa in my Zazzle store. Each card comes with a prefilled poem, but you can customize the text to your liking. Personalize with the child’s name and make this year one they’ll never forget!

Looking for a fully customizable letter from Santa? Or perhaps personalized wrapping supplies from the jolly man? Look through my collection of Santa Claus Christmas items in my Zazzle store!

Do you think you’d like to start sending letters from Santa to a child you love?  If so, please check out, North Pole Notes.  I take Santa out of the mall and deliver him to your mailbox.

If you enjoyed reading this article, you might also enjoy:  What do you do when children stop believing in Santa.

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