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Dana Gutkowski

I am the mother of none, but the very proud Aunt to four beautiful children. I did absolutely no work to create them, but I will do everything in my power to help raise them.

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An Open Letter To My Nieces and Nephews

Dear Lola, Layla, Jayden, and Julian,

It’s Thanksgiving again.  It’s hard to imagine that the earth has made an entire rotation around the sun once more, yet here we are – ready and willing to stuff our faces and fill our bellies till they ache in pain.

And though many look forward to this day and view it as their favorite meal of the year, I can’t say I agree. The food is always prepared well and it’s tasty – but compared to the Italian homecooked meals we get on the other holidays – eh, I could do without Thanksgiving.

However, I do love Thanksgiving, but not for popular reasons. Not because of the roasted turkey and pumpkin pie. And not because it means that we’re one step closer to Christmas. Not because of football, the Macy’s Day Parade, or the National Dog Show. No, I enjoy this day because of the chaos and complaints.

I love the irony. It’s a holiday where most unapologetically overindulge in high caloric and cholesterol filled foods, yet you all go on a hunger strike. Lola, you’re a vegetarian so a biscuit and mashed potatoes are your best and only options. Layla, since there’s neither spaghetti nor meatballs in sight, you want no part in the meal. Jayden, I used to be able to trick you and tell you that the turkey was chicken to make you take a few bites, but now you’ve wised up. Sparkling grape juice is the only thing you’ll touch. And Julian, I’m pretty sure you would actually eat the meal if we could get you to sit still at the table. But, you’d much rather fire off 50 rounds of nerf darts at Uncle Turney’s head. Such is life.

It’s hard to remember a recent Thanksgiving before you were all born. There have been quite a few as I transitioned from child to adult, but none really stick out in my mind. Most are all muddled together.

Ah, but remind me one day to tell you about the time when Aunt Claire accidentally poured all the homemade gravy down the drain. I think Pop Pop almost cried over having a dry turkey that year. In hindsight, he should have if only to bring a little moisture to his plate.

Yes, I love Thanksgiving. Not for the food, not for the tradition, but because you guys are there to make it all memorable.

With you all at Thanksgiving, there’s a freshness brought into the holiday. Your newly developing quirks and dietary difficulties make life more interesting. Politics, money, and workplace complaints all get put on pause when you’re around. Us adults need that.

There will come a day when you’ll join us in those boring yet semi necessary discussions. But in the meantime, I’m grateful for the break you all give us. Your whining, complaining, laughter, and smiles lightening the load of adulting. I love you and am thankful for you every day, but just like we tell ourselves on Thanksgiving – there’s always room for a little more.

Yes, I love the drama, complaints, and mayhem you all bring to Thanksgiving. Without it, Thanksgiving would be just another meal, but with it, it becomes a holiday.

Love Always,


a/k/a Aunt Da Da

a/k/a Aunt Dana

a/k/a The Enchanted Aunt

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