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Dana Gutkowski

I am the mother of none, but the very proud Aunt to four beautiful children. I did absolutely no work to create them, but I will do everything in my power to help raise them.

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A babysitter is someone that watches children while their parents are out of the house. Unlike a daycare, the babysitter will come to the home of the child to play and interact with the children.

It may sound simple, but it’s actually a lot of responsibility. Some may go in thinking that this will be easy money, and if you’re right for the job, it may be. However, there are things that you can do that will get your fired from a babysitting job quickly!

Just because you’re comfortable in their home, doesn’t mean that you should act like you’re at home. You’re not. You’re at work and you should act like it.

Many parents now have nanny cams and will be watching you while their away. There are certain things that you should never do while you’re babysitting, and if you do, you may be fired from you job.

What are some of the reasons you may be fired from your job as a babysitter?

1.) Falling asleep on the job

Even if the kids are asleep, you should never be sleeping on the job. Your role is to be on alert at all times. You’re looking after the well being of children. That can’t happen if you’re snoozing on their couch.

2.) Using drugs or alcohol

It’s not okay to pour yourself a glass of wine, sip on vodka from a water bottle, or sneak a beer from the fridge. Even if you’re of age to be drinking, it’s irresponsible to drink of the job. You’re not being paid to kick back and relax. You’re there to supervise children.

3.) Preaching religious beliefs or ideologies

Everyone is entitled to have their thoughts, beliefs, and rituals. No one can tell you what you should believe to be true and that goes for you too!

Whether or not you have a religious, spiritual, or faith-based practice, it should be kept to yourself. Unless the parents are specifically looking for someone that shares in their beliefs, your thoughts on the matter should be silenced.

It’s up to the parents to introduce that subject matter to their kids, no the babysitter.

4.) Abusing the children

You are NEVER allowed to hit a child. It doesn’t matter if that’s how you were raised. If you put your hands on a child, you’ll be fired as their babysitter in a heartbeat.

Try to think about what you would do if you found out someone was abusing your child? Firing is probably the nicest thing you might do to them.

If you can’t control your temper and find that you want to hit or get physical with a child, don’t become a babysitter.

5.) Neglecting the children

Your personal life, including looking at your phone, attending to personal matters, doing homework, etc. should not be your top priority when you’re babysitting.

It’s neglectful to not interact or tend to the child’s needs. It’s not a job that you can do while doing another job. You may look at your phone, read or watch T.V. after they have been put to bed. Otherwise, if they’re awake, your attention should be put on them.

6.) Being overly strict

Yes, you need your own set of rules in addition to the parents, but they should come within reason. If you’re overly strict with the parents, be sure that the children will report that back to their parents and you’ll likely be given your walking papers.

Time outs or takeaways should be discussed before you agree to the job. If the parents don’t believe in any form of punishment, then it might not be the right family for you.

7.) Lying

Lies will always come to the surface. Don’t think that you’re the exception to that rule. Even if you’re lying to save your job, the fact that you lied will most likely cost you your job.

If you did do something, fess up to it. If you didn’t do something, don’t say that you did. People make mistakes and that’s okay. The worst thing that you can do is to not be honest about it.

8.) Snooping

It’s not your house, right? So don’t treat it like it is. Don’t open drawers, cabinets, or go in the parent’s bedrooms. There’s nothing that’s so interesting it’s worth losing your job over.

The exception is the kitchen where you’ll most likely need to be in order to cook, prepare a snack, or give the children a drink. Otherwise, respect their privacy and don’t snoop around in their belongings. Only go in rooms that you’re been told are the designated areas for the kids to be.

9.) Theft

Taking anything from their house that doesn’t belong to you is an absolute no! This even includes food.

If you’ve been told to help yourself to drinks, snacks, or food, you may, but don’t raid their fridge. Bring your own snack, drinks, or meals if you think that you’ll be more hungry than a handful of potato chips. It’s not their responsibility to feed you. It’s courteous to offer, but it’s not a given.

10.) Being greedy

You’ve accepted the job for a specific amount of pay. Most likely the parents are budgeting their expenses, which includes you!

If you’ve been working for the family for over a year or more and feel as though you need more money (or deserve it), you can speak to them about a raise.

Otherwise, if the job isn’t paying well or need more money, look for another job and give the parents plenty of notice that you’ll be leaving.

11.) Being TOO open and free

Many people post their everyday lives on social media without giving it a second thought. But by doing so, you might actually be putting your job in jeopardy.

Parents have access to Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapshot too. Watch what you put out there in the public eye. Once it’s out there, it’s out there. There’s no taking it back once someone has already seen it.

12.) Being inappropriate with parents

No smooching with Dad or hitting on Mom. It might sound ridiculous advice, but it happens. It happens in average homes and in high profile homes.

Keep your hands off the parents.

Look at all the celebrities who have cheated on their wives with nannies:

13.) Inviting Friends over

It’s up to you to find something engaging for you to take part in during downtime. But that something should never be a guest. You’re at work, you’re not at your house.

Friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, siblings, and cousins should not be invited over to the home of the family that you’re babysitting. If you’re bored and the kids are sleeping, turn on the T.V., read a book, etc. Whatever you choose should be a solo act.

14.) Not following house rules

You may not agree with the rules of the house, but you have to abide by them. This is your job. You’ve been hired to be an extension of the parents while they’re away from their children. So you must respect the rules of the parents and enforce them, even if you disagree with them.

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