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Dana Gutkowski

I am the mother of none, but the very proud Aunt to four beautiful children. I did absolutely no work to create them, but I will do everything in my power to help raise them.

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My Story

Dana Gutkowski
The Enchanted Aunt

When I first started my blog The Enchanted Aunt, I just built a site by watching free YouTube videos. I put up some posts, let them marinate for a few months and left it alone. What I didn’t know (besides Facebook) was how to get people to read my content.

I can’t remember the exact day, but back then every day felt about the same. I’d be frustratingly tapping at the keys on my keyboard trying to figure out how to get people to find my blog and bam! I found Alex on YouTube! He walked his viewers through some simple tasks using Pinterest to begin getting readers to their blogs.

I followed each step and put them into place. What do you know? My viewership went from maybe 5 per month to around 10 per day! AND I didn’t invest a single penny. YAY! And the best part is it was consistent traffic.

That sounds like peanuts, I know, but it was free information and it was working! I literally went months with virtually no one seeing anything that I had written! So watching my views shoot up to 10 per day was exciting for me!

So he had me at Pinterest. I did some digging around to find out his story and what if he was saying was really true, and it was. He wasn’t some fly by night YouTuber. He and his girlfriend Lauren have a real business teaching other bloggers how to successfully blog.

However, I didn’t buy just then. I took some time and did some more digging and found out that I could save a little money by purchase their Pro Blogger Bundle. I was determined to make my blog into a business. So I did just that. I took the plunge, started my blog all over and the three of us are lived happily ever after. Well, I’ve never met them, but they taught me A LOT!

As of today, I completed the course Pinterest Traffic Avalanche with Alex and Lauren from Create and Go. 

Here are my results from the June to July 2019

Here are my results from the February to March 2019

July 31, 2019 –Website traffic since implementing Pinterest Avalanche strategies.

March 20, 2019 –Website traffic since implementing Pinterest Avalanche strategies.

The proof that it works is in the numbers. Summer is a slow time for Pinterest and Bloggers in general. So the fact that I have consistently grown and am nearly at 10,000 views per month in the SLOW months makes me elated!

My first course was their Launch Your Blog. As I said, I got all of my information for free the first time around, and my website didn’t look great. So I had to do it all over again the right way!

I was SO happy with the results I got from it so I wasn’t skeptical going into this course! I was confident that their Pinterest course was going to get the traffic I had been trying to generate for months. And it served me well!

If you’re interested in starting a new blog, please check out my review on their course here: Launch Your Blog Biz Review

If you have read any of my other content, you know that I’m an Aunt to 4 beautiful children. I love to share stories about them and offer advice to fellow Aunts. I write about different ways to bond with them, how to navigate through family woes, and I’ll recommend certain products from time to time. Nothing crazy, but the trick is how do you get people to see your content? The answer: Pinterest & Tailwind!

I started the course in November of 2018. Within a month I was gaining approximately 50 views per day on my blog. My consistent progress and efforts were paying off! My blog was growing daily! However, soon after I started, my Aunt got sick and my priorities changed. I was taken away from my daily routine.

So traffic stood still for a while since I wasn’t able to create and pin regularly. Thankfully, my Aunt is okay and I got back to it. By January I had finally gotten 1,000 views on my site. This was the highest I’d ever reach since I started blogging! As of today, I have reached over 9,000 views per month and growing!

Alex & Lauren’s Story

So who are the people that teach this course?

Before I go into the specifics of what I was struggling with and how Alex and Lauren were able to help me with my dilemmas, let me first share their story. You can read their whole story here, but I’ll give you a brief overview of why they started Create and Go. Alex and Lauren were both young professionals trying to make it in corporate America but found themselves to be unhappy, to say the least. Alex was a personal trainer and Lauren was a CPA. Fueled by the desire to lives they were actually happy with, they started a blog and failed. This then led to their launch of Avocadu, where they write about and teach all about health and fitness. Their hard work had paid off and they realized that they could then teach their successful techniques to others and make a business out of it. That’s why they created the Build And Launch Your Blog course.

What You Need To Know Before You Invest:

You have to stay consistent!

Blogging is a lot of work and getting traffic (especially in the beginning) is no easy task. When I first started implementing the strategies that Alex and Lauren teach in their Pinterest Traffic Avalanche course, I saw a significant increase in my blog traffic, impressions on Pinterest, and total repin count.

Before purchasing this course, make sure that for the foreseeable future you have time to put into growing your blog. It doesn’t have to be a full 8-hour workday, but time needs to be scheduled to do the work. The good news? If you run into a situation where you find yourself pulled away from your efforts, you can always pick up where you left off.

There are other minor investments.

Though it isn’t mandatory for success, Lauren tackles Pinterest with a little (actually a lot) help from Tailwind. It’s only $15 per month, but you can try it for FREE with my referral link!

What is Pinterest?

Let me break down Pinterest for you simply. Pinterest is a search engine that people use for recipes, how-to’s, and ideas for crafts, etc. People create content, then link pins (pictures) to post on relevant boards for that topic. The boards are just a way to organize content, the pins are the actual content. The pins themselves are much like book jackets. They allow the reader to know what the content is about before they even open the article.

What is Tailwind?

If you don’t know what Tailwind is, let me describe it briefly. It’s a pin scheduler that allows you to auto-post your pins. Why is this important? Because Tailwind analyzes your account and finds the optimal times for your pins to be seen. It generates time slots for you to fill with pins so that they get the most potential views. It saves you a lot of time to create content when you’re auto-posting to different boards across Pinterest.

I highly recommend trying it for free with my referral link to see if it starts to propel you in the right direction. I love Tailwind because it made a significant difference for me in how much time it freed up.

It’s Work But It Pays Off

Though Alex and Lauren give you great strategies to implement to use Pinterest to its fullest advantage, it’s up to you to actually apply them. They give you the framework that you can utilize to make the most out of your experience on Pinterest, but you have to figure out how it will apply to your specific circumstance. It’s not rocket science, they actually teach you how to do the research, but it’s up to you to do it.

Depending on your niche and amount of time you put in will determine how fast you’ll grow on Pinterest.

What I Love About This Course

  • It is constantly updated! Tailwind just came out with a new feature called Smart Loop. When this course was created that wasn’t something that existed. But since this course is so thorough and Lauren is so loyal to her students, she has JUST put up a lesson on how to master Smart Loop.

  • There is a private Facebook community for other students. In it, we share experiences and ask questions. Lauren and her admins will respond! Both Alex and Lauren are active and helpful even after you invest in their course.

  • There is a 60-day money-back guarantee. I don’t foresee anyone actually needing this, but it’s comforting to know that it’s an option before you invest.

So… is Pinterest Traffic AvalancheWorth it?

This course is 100% worth the price tag. In my opinion, you will greatly benefit from this course if you…

  1. Are looking to gain more traffic to your blog.
  2. Want a course that teaches you the very basics AND builds from there.
  3. Work well with text and video-based courses and can learn from connecting with others.
  4. Have little or a fair amount of viewership to your blog, but are looking for a boost to take you to that next level.

I hope that you enjoyed my review of the Pinterest Traffic Avalanche course. If you want to purchase this course or any others, please follow my affiliate link. I will receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you purchase using my link.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions about my experience before deciding to invest.

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