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Dana Gutkowski

I am the mother of none, but the very proud Aunt to four beautiful children. I did absolutely no work to create them, but I will do everything in my power to help raise them.

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What every dog walker needs to bring on their walk.

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Do you love dogs? Are you an active person who loves the mental and physical benefits of fresh air and exercise? Becoming a dog walker to earn extra money with a job you love might be a great fit for you.

I’ve been a dog walker for 4 years now, but I have over 30 years of experience taking care of animals. When I first started out, I didn’t know much about taking care of other people’s dogs. However, I did know how to take care of my own dogs, so I didn’t think there could have been much of a learning curve. But I was wrong.

My dogs are small Pekingese. Their energy levels aren’t super high like some other breeds, but they were accustomed to daily walks. We’d go on our walk, come home, and go on with our day. However, when I became a dog walker for other people, I found that not having the benefits of being close to home required me to be more prepared on walks.

Here is the list of things that I take with me on a dog walk:

Poop Bags

If pooping isn’t the mission for your walk, forgetting to bring a bag with you a walk can be a regular occurrence. Also, some families make the mistake of forgetting to restock their bags and this leaves you high and dry when you get to their home. I carry in my car an extra leash with a bag dispenser that attaches to the leash. This way, if something happens where you can’t find the dog’s leash, or you’re not given any bags for the walk, you can still be prepared and go on with a safe walk. Also, you’ll avoid ticking off neighbors and even getting a fine for leaving poop behind.

This handy tool has saved me on many walks! And although most owners will equip you with a poop bag, I’ve run into many occasions when I needed more than one bag! Thankfully, I wasn’t without a second one because the bag dispenser holds an entire roll of bags inside it.

Check it out on Amazon:

Poop Bags

Hand Sanitizer

Yes, I know hand sanitizer is one of those slightly controversial products. It’s often filled with chemicals that can dry out and irritate your skin. However, picking up dog poop is a messy job, and it can be a long way between you and a sink.

Therefore, stocking up on a sanitizer that won’t dry out your hands and leave you in worse place than where you started. Suave has put out their own hand sanitizer that hasn’t dried out my hands nor is there a strong alcohol smell. It doesn’t irritate my skin and it keeps me clean enough until I get my hands on soup and water.

Check it out on Amazon:

Suave Hand Sanitizer


Especially on hot days, hydrating is necessary. I tend to sweat a lot when out on a long walk, especially with more athletic dogs. You’ll need to carry some water with you to drink up and possibly share with your furry friend.

But you’re not going to want to let your dog drink from the same bottle as you. I love my dog, but even don’t swap spit with the little fellow.

Instead, carry a collapsible water bowl with you to easily share your water with him, minus the dog breath.

I like this idea and this convenience. When closed, the bow is only 0.5 inches, making it easy, on the go, hydration.

Check it out on Amazon:

Water bowl

Extra Leash.

I know what you’re thinking, the dog is already on a leash, why would you ever need another one?

Well, I can’t tell you the countless amounts of times that I’ve need another leash. Most commonly, I’ve needed it to save another dog!

Dogs are often let out in their backyards and on their owner’s property without supervision. That means that if they manage a way to sneak out of their yard, their owners usually aren’t aware that they’re missing for quite some time. That’s when you come in to save the day with your extra leash!

However, I’ve also needed it when a leash has broken on me. Yes, nylon leashes have snapped during walks. I never encountered this with my own dog, but larger dogs, I prefer to use a cord leash.

But to carry an extra leash, you don’t want something too cumbersome. I suggest getting a small durable leash that you can carry with you along with your extra poop bags. They’re durable, safe, and comfortable to hold.

Check in out on Amazon:

Dog Walk Waist Fanny Pack

When out on a walk with someone else’s dog, you’ll need both hands free, but you’ll also need to carry some things with you. The fanny pack is a great solution for that. In it, you can carry treats, spare leashes, phone, keys, poop bags, water bottle, hand sanitizer, etc.

Your pockets (especially for women) can get full rather quickly since we mostly carry things in our handbags. However, you’re not going to want to bring your entire bag with you on a walk because it becomes burdensome. A backpack gets heavy and can make you much sweatier than necessary. The fanny pack is lightweight and has enough room to fit your essentials. Plus, it allows you the freedom to use your hands.

On the job, you’re not worried about fashion. That’s for when you’re off the clock. When you’re on the clock, you should be concerned with function. The fanny pack is functional and a lifesaver!

Dog Walking T-shirt

One of the hardest things to do as a dog walker is to grow your client list. You’ll want to network with other people to grow your dog walking business. A good way to put people on notice that you’re a dog walker it so wear it! Having something on your shirt that says, “I walk dogs” is a good conversation starter.

I run into people while walking dogs all the time. Mostly they want to say hi to the dog, but an added benefit to that is to start a conversation that you’re not the owner, but the dog’s walking companion.

My sister bought me this shirt and when I wear it, people tend to stop me more. It’s funny, comfortable, and prompts people to comment on it which leads to a networking opportunity. “I Let the Dogs Out” T-Shirt.

Check it out on Amazon:

“I Let the Dogs Out” T-Shirt.

Stock up on these items of what every dog walker needs to bring on their walk. I found out the hard way, but hopefully you’ll be more prepared your first time around the block!

Business Cards!

Out of all of the previous items mentioned, business cards are probably the most important! I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve engaged in conversation with someone while on a walk and they’re interested in my services. It’s how you build your business – networking! And yes, you can tell them your number (that’s never worked for me), but having a business makes you look and act like a professional.

Trust is a huge part of someone allowing you to take care of their dogs. They want to know that the person their hiring is official, responsible, trustworthy, and serious about their work. A business cards wraps all of that together. If you only make one investment in your dog walking business, make it a business card. It’s a great way to network, look professional, and grow your dog walking/pet sitting services.

Create your own walking business card with my designs here:

Dog Walker Business Cards

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