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Dana Gutkowski

I am the mother of none, but the very proud Aunt to four beautiful children. I did absolutely no work to create them, but I will do everything in my power to help raise them.

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I’m Cool With That

There are some people who know that they want kids.  Becoming a mother is or was a no-brainer.  “Of course I’m gonna have kids.”  That’s cool. 

Then there are others who know for a fact that they don’t want them.  “I have nothing against kids, but I just don’t want any of my own.”   And that’s cool. 

Then there are others like me, unsure if they want kids, but open to it.  “Maybe someday.”  And that’s cool too (for me).

Becoming a mother has never been a milestone I felt I needed to reach. Maybe my biological clock has faulty batteries, cause I can’t hear it ticking. I’m only forced to reflect on the fact that I’m in my mid-thirties and childless when someone flat-out asks “Do you want kids?” To which I can only reply, “Maybe, if I’m married.”

I’m not old-fashioned.  Nor am I criticizing others for not following societal norms.  I can only judge what’s best for me.  Before allowing any of my eggs to hatch, I would first need to build a nest and create a family environment to raise my chicks in.

However, I’m nowhere close to having that right now. After spending countless hours in self-reflection, I know why I gravitate towards the men that aren’t ready for lasting commitments. It’s because deep down neither am I.

I used to think it was them, but now I know it’s me. Yet, who knows what tomorrow will bring. I can only live my life as it comes, one day at a time.

Though I don’t have the title of Mommy, I do have a very special connection with the children in my life. In fact, I have a great title that I‘m quite proud of, I’m an Aunt. 

I’m someone my nieces and nephews look up to, turn to for nurturing, and whom I love unconditionally. They are my family and they will always come first.

As their Aunt, I have the choice of being involved in their lives as little or as much as possible. I choose the latter. I don’t feel a void in my life. I feel fulfilled.

They inspire my creativity, challenge me to stretch my imagination, motivate me to become a better person and remind me that life doesn’t have to be so heavy.  They test my patience and stir up my deepest emotions, but I will always love them no matter what.

Maybe it would be different if I had my own children, but that’s not a concern of mine.  I can’t be bothered thinking of the “what if” because then I would miss out on the “what’s now”. 

Our relationships are special and like no other. There’s only one Bitay and one Aunt Da Da in their lives and both are me. My heart is whole because of them. I always thought love at first sight was for fairytales, but then I became an Aunt. So if I never become a Mom, I’m cool with that.

I’d love to hear back from you.  Did you know deep in your heart you’re meant to be a Mama?  Love children, but don’t want them for yourself?  Or are you undecided like me?   There’s room for us all!  All are cool with me!  Let me know if the comments below.

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