Dana Gutkowski
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Do you love shopping for your nieces and nephews? Or do you find it stressful and worrisome that you won’t get them something they’ll love?
It doesn’t matter if it’s a birthday, holiday, or special event, it’s exciting to pull out your wallet and give back to children that bring joy to your life. I LOVE shopping for my nieces and nephews. But I understand that sometimes people can stress over what to get for their nieces and nephews.
So I’d like to share with you how I approach shopping for my nieces and nephews. After establishing some ground rules for yourself and for your wallet, it should become less of a headache and more of an enjoyable experience. I don’t stress over what I should get them. I stress over the amount of time I have to wait before giving them their gifts!
Rather than stressing over what to get them, try to set some rules when shopping for your nieces and nephews:
1.) Set a budget for yourself
I wish the sky was the limit for me too, but sadly it’s not.
Set out with a specific dollar range that you’ll spend on each child.
I don’t like to say that I can ONLY spend this amount because then I feel stifled and good feeling I get from giving fades away.
Instead, say, I’d like to spend between $-$ and then get some freedom to explore options, shop for deals, and then set a budget for the rest of the family. Yes, I always start with the kids first!
2.) Get an idea of what they’re into these days.
Are they artsy? Are they into video games? Perhaps they love reading? Or are they into board games?
The gift is all about the receiver, not the person giving it. The best way to find out what they’re into is to have a playdate with them.
Invite yourself over for a few hours and see what they take out for you too to play with. You won’t be duplicating the toys that they already have, but you’ll get an idea of what they enjoy playing with. Get some ideas on what aisle to browse or what store to shop in.
3.) Talk to their parents.
I don’t like to solely rely on the parents (unless they’re VERY young). However, it is a good idea to consult with them a little to find out what they have in mind so you’re not repeating their gifts.
Also, there might be some things are a complete “NO NO” and if that’s the case you might want to avoid them
4.) Set out with a plan.
When shopping for my nieces and nephews I try to keep the mindset and intention of getting a few things:
- Something they want
- Something they need
- And finally, something that’s memorable
So what does that mean?
Something they want:
Something they want is usually pretty easy. I’ll ask them what they want for Christmas or a Birthday and they’re usually pretty good at telling me exactly what they want.
Then I’ll shoot a quick text or call one of their parents to make sure we’re not repeating. Lego Batman set? Done. The Barbie that makes cupcakes? You got it. Easy.
Something they need:
Depending on their age, this may vary, but it’s usually clothes of some sort. I LOVE buying clothes for my nieces and nephews. I guess it’s because I love buying clothes in general.
We all have our own unique personalities and styles. Your wardrobe is the first indication of what your personality is all about. I like to be supportive of that.
I don’t shop for my likes, I shop for theirs. What screams Jayden? Could I see Layla wearing this? Oh, Julian HAS to have this! Done!
Something that’s memorable:
This one could quite possibly be my favorite. I like to make memories with my nieces and nephews. Unlike their toys and clothes, memories can never be outgrown.
The gift could be an experience. Something that we do together. It could be a piece of art. Something that I make for them that’s from my heart and can be displayed as a constant reminder of my love. Or it could be something that they don’t even know is from me (yet).
Try writing her a letter. It’s a FREE gift that they can hold on to forever. Loving words are never outgrown!
I hope you’ve gotten enjoyed reading about how to shop for your nieces and nephews. What are some of your favorite gifts that you’ve given to your nieces and nephews throughout the years? I’d love to know! Let me know if the comments below!
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