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Dana Gutkowski

I am the mother of none, but the very proud Aunt to four beautiful children. I did absolutely no work to create them, but I will do everything in my power to help raise them.

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It’s fun for the whole family!

Minute to Win it Games!

Do you find it hard too find things to do with tween and teens? Are they just so over everything?

Are their eyes glued to their phones, tablets, and computers?

Solve your bored tween and teen problems by playing these fun minute to win it games with your family!

And if you’re having a family party or barbecue and need activities for you and your guests, try playing these minute to win it games!

I’ve played each and every one of these games with kids of all ages and I can tell you that they offer nothing but fun! Children and adults love playing these games because not only are they challenging, which keeps their attention, but it’s also a way for the family to bond by sharing laughs together.

Try these games with the family and let the laughter and fun begin!

M&M Challenge

Supplies needed:




Empty Cup

Kitchen Timer

Setting up the game:

Start by spreading M&M’s on the table or inside a bowl.

Hand each player a straw and empty cup. Place the cup next to the child on the table.


Players must suck up one M&M at a time and place it into the empty bowl next to them. They cannot use their hands to pick up the candy.

Players have ONE MINUTE to suck up as many candies as possible and drop them in their empty cup!

The player who transferred the most M&M’s is the winner! Everyone gets to eat their M&M’s though!


Put the empty cups farther away on another table and have them walk their M&M’s to the cup! This will get messier so if you want a simply clean up, have them closer. However, if you don’t mind the mess, try it – IT’S FUN!

Balloon Challenge

Supplies needed:

Inflated Balloon(s)

Kitchen Time

Free Space

How to Play/Objective:

I suggest allowing one person to go at a time to avoid injury, but use your discretion based upon space.

Players will each take an inflated balloon, toss it above their head and keep it up by lightly taping it into the air.

They have ONE MINUTE to keep it above their head. If it falls below their chin, the game starts over.


Add more balloons! Think it’s too easy with 1 balloon? Try 3!!

Too hard to keep it above your head? Change the rules so that they only have to keep the balloon in the air, not above their head.

Cookie Challenge

Supplies needed:


Empty chair or floor space

Kitchen timer

How to Play/Objective:

Sit in a chair or on the floor. Give a cookie such as an Oreo to each player. Have them lean their head back and place a cookie in the middle of their forehead.

When the timer begins, players can only use their facial muscles to move the cookie from their forehead to their mouth.

They can tip their head and move their neck, but players cannot touch the cookie with your hands.

The cookie must remain in contact with their face. They can’t try to toss it from your forehead and catch it in your mouth.

If a cookie falls before it reaches their mouth, they must start over by placing it back on their forehead.

The cookie must actually go in your mouth to count.


Give them 2 or 3 cookies to start. After the first cookie makes it to their mouth, they must remove it and start over with another one on their forehead. The challenge is completed when all 3 make it to their mouth before the minute is up.

Popsicle/Dice Challenge

Supplies needed:

Popsicle sticks

5 Dice

Kitchen timer

How to Play/Objective:

Players must hold one end of a popsicle stick in their mouth.

Take each die and one by one stack them on the other end of the popsicle stick on top of each other.

They must stack 5 dice in a tower at the end on the stick.

Players have ONE MINUTE to complete this challenge.

If they dice fall off, have them pick it up and start over before the time runs out.


Use fewer dice in the tower

Spaghetti Challenge

Supplies Needed:

Six uncooked penne or tube shaped pasta per player

One uncooked piece of spaghetti per player

Empty table space

Kitchen timer

How to Play/Objective:

Place the pasta around the edge of the table so that the open end faces outward.

Players must stand at the table with their hands behind the back.

When the timer starts, the player can then pick up the spaghetti with their hands and put it in their mouth.

The player then goes around the table skewering the pasta, one at a time, with the spaghetti.

If the spaghetti breaks, just give them another piece

To win, all six pieces of pasta must be on the spaghetti within ONE MINUTE!

Card Shark!

Supplies Needed:

1 Deck of Playing Card

Kitchen Timer

How to Play/Objective:

Shuffle 1 deck of playing cards.

One player at a time goes unless you have more than 1 deck of cards

Players make 4 piles of cards with each pile containing only one suit in ONE MINUTE!.


To make it harder! Player must put 1 pile in order from ace to king!

Even harder! Player must put 2 piles in order from ace to king!

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