Dana Gutkowski
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Becoming an Aunt will surely change your life forever.
Becoming an Aunt has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. My niblings have truly changed my life for the better. The love given and received through our relationships can’t be summed up in one word. It’s a distinct feeling that I know I have never experienced prior to becoming their Aunt. And now that I have it, well, I’ve dedicated my life to developing and maintaining our strong bond.

It’s not always easy to be their Aunt. I wish I could say that it’s been the easiest job I’ve ever taken on. However, the truth is, it’s been one of the hardest.
But like many things in life, the most challenging circumstances often yield the best results. I have grown as a person because of my role as an Aunt.
I’ve taken on new responsibilities, learned things about my personality (for better and for worse), and strive to make positive changes all thanks to my nieces and nephews.
Each one of them has brought on a new struggle to overcome. And in the process, they’ve also unlocked new parts of my heart that I didn’t know existed.
Reflecting upon what I’ve discovered about myself throughout the years, I thought it’d be beneficial to put down all the ways that becoming an Aunt has changed my life and will most certainly change yours. Here’s my list of 7 ways becoming an Aunt will change your life forever.
1.) Allow you to relive your childhood through adult eyes.
When you begin your journey of Aunthood a reflection period when you’ll be thinking about your own childhood. You’ll be in awe of “wow, I went through this?!” and “I remember when I was X’s age…” We all start out the same way, as blank slates in diapers.
One of the best parts about becoming an Aunt is you get the opportunity to relive your childhood. You’ll be awarded that freedom that children are born with. The sky is the limit! You’ll play more, laugh more, and engage with other kids. They give you the precious gift of being able to free your mind of adult troubles and just be. It’s a mini vacation from adult life.
2.) Show you a new kind of love
There are many that say that they didn’t know what love is until you become a Mom. I disagree with this statement, but I understand where they’re coming from. I didn’t know what the love of a child was like until I became an Aunt.
You won’t have to prove yourself to your niece or nephew in order for them to love you. There’s no need to put on a fresh coat of makeup or douse yourself in your best perfumes. You don’t have to win them over.
They love you because they can feel the love you have for them. Being there for them, and making yourself present in their lives is all you need to do. It’s an unspoken love (on their part) in the beginning and you’ll imprint on their hearts. It’s the simplest kind of love.
3.) Make you want to become a better person
When you look at your nibling, these little nuggets of love, all you can see is the potential. And one day, you’ll realize that they’re looking up to you.
You’re setting an example for them to mirror. This puts a whole new perspective on life. Now you’ll want to put your best foot forward to lead the way.
What is it about yourself that you’d like to change? Kids can inspire that change within you. Wanting to be better for them will become your motivation and the fact that they’re looking to you will become your accountability.
4.) Bring a whole new meaning to the word adult
At what point did you become an adult? When you got your license? Was it when you started establishing credit? When you filed your first tax return?
Everyone has their marker in life when we take on the right amount of responsibility and adulthood begins. However, once kids are in the picture, adulting takes on a whole new meaning. Now you’re not just responsible to yourself, you’re also responsible for someone else.
It doesn’t matter if your responsibilities last for a few hours during a visit or a lifetime because they’re in your sole care. Taking care of another person is an entirely different obligation. You now have to think about someone else’s needs being met in addition to yours. And often times their needs will come before yours. It’s a tricky balance.
5.) Test your strengthen
Kids require a lot of energy. Whether you’re playing all day with a 2-year-old who seemingly has no off button, or you’re arguing with a teenager who’s defiant and unyieldingly stubborn, you’ll be pushed to new levels of stress you’ve never felt before.
You might train in the gym for hours and have the endurance to run a marathon tomorrow, but a 2-year-old will certainly test your physical capabilities.
And you may think that just because you were once a teenager and no one could top your sassiness. All I can say is, just wait. Sure, you were most likely on the other end of it all at one point in your life – but now you’ll have an understanding of what you put everyone else through.
You’re in for one of the longest, most rewarding yet physically and emotionally demanding rides of your life. It’s worth it. You’ll quickly learn that no matter your age, you don’t know everything.
6.) Test your patience
It’s not easy dealing with your niblings, no matter what their age. When you have someone in your life that you care for, your patience will be tested.
There will be power struggles, hard life lessons, and unimaginable guilt. Whether you’re teaching, bonding, feeding, or playing, maintaining patience is always a key factor.
They’ll test those limits because it’s impossible not to and because it’s human nature to do so. You’re stronger than you think, but everyone has their breaking point – and kids will quickly show you where yours lies.
And just when you think you’ve had enough, somehow you’ll go running back for more. That’s the beauty of love, right? It lifts us up, knocks us down, and grounds us all at the same time. That’s why we can’t get enough.
7.) Discover a new kind of friendship
You have your friendships with your adult family and your peers, but then if you’re lucky, you’ll also have friendships with kids. It’s a new type of friendship, one where you have to get down to their level first only to raise them up to yours.
It starts with the one on one time when they’re babies, and gradually develops into a more mature relationship. I don’t play with my 3 and 6-year-old nephews like I do with my 9 and 13-year-old nieces. Some of that has to do with their gender, but it’s mainly their ages.
At first, when they’re very young, you’re their playmate and buddy, but as they grow older, you’re their role model and confidant. It’s like making a best friend on the playground all over again. Only this time, only one of you will accidentally pee their pants. And it’ll most likely be you from all the laughter.
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Find out what kind of Aunt you are! Take the Enchanted Aunt Quiz.
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