Dana Gutkowski
Latest posts by Dana Gutkowski (see all)
- How can I be a good aunt? - May 19, 2021
- Aunt Quotes - March 19, 2021
- End Your Silence. Support Black Lives Matter - June 29, 2020
Hello there fellow Aunts and Aunties. Welcome back to Auntieviews. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Maribel Jimenez, international speaker, bestselling author, and Marketing Launch Strategist.
She is the founder of Your Dream Launch and the New Superwoman Entrepreneur communities. Her mission is to help entrepreneurs tap into their brilliance, share it with the world through powerful dream launches and create great prosperity in their business while maintaining a balance in their lives.
Maribel was my teacher and coach for North Pole Notes. So I already knew that she’s an exceptional coach and businesswoman, but I wanted to get to know Maribel on a more personal level.
Since she’s also a North Pole Notes customer, I also know that she’s a loving mother to 4 beautiful children. However, I didn’t know much about her life as an Aunt. I decided to reach out to Maribel to share part of her story with my audience and dig into her background a bit.
Letters From Santa
by Dana Gutkowski
She’s been a loving Aunt for 21 years. She has 3 nieces and 3 nephews, Adriana, Gabriel, Serena, Daniel, Frank, and Eddie! For 21 years she’s loved these children and she’s also being blessed with another one on the way! So let’s get on with her Auntieview!

Are you an Aunt by relation, choice, or both?
I’m an aunt by relation (my brother and sister’s kids)
How old were you when you first became one?
20 years old
Which did you become first a Mom or Aunt?
First a mom at 18 years old. I was already on my own, in college, married and had a job at that time.
How do you compare your role as a Mother to your role as an Aunt?
I was first a mom but only for about a year and a half before becoming an aunt. I was so young that I was still learning and just appreciated the gift of loving them.
The main difference is that I didn’t apply my rules to my nieces and nephews because my sister was so strict about hers. So I could just love on them and then they went home. Whereas as a mom, I was constantly teaching AND loving on my kids – without rules, it could be out of hand.
If you can think back to when you were first told you were going to be an Aunt, what were some of the emotions that you felt?
I felt pure excitement and happiness for her because it was the most joyous experience I had ever felt – to have kids.
What do your nieces or nephews call you?
They call me “Tia Maribel” – that’s Spanish or just “Aunt Maribel”.
Many Aunts are often looked at and referred to as second Moms to their niblings. Do you feel like that’s a fair way to describe your relationship with yours?
Since we only lived near each other for a short time, my sister’s firstborn is the only one who is really close to me and we have a special bond. The rest weren’t around me often enough so I’m not seen that way as far as I know.
Do you live close to your nieces and nephews or are you a long-distance Aunt?
I’m a long-distant Aunt
As long distance Aunt, what is something that you do to stay connected with your niblings?
I love to talk to them over the phone, send love notes via text to the older ones, and always send goodies for their birthday.
As an Aunt, what do you consider to be the biggest value you bring to your family?
To show unconditional love and be present with them so they know how special they are. I like to ask them about their life when I can. Some don’t want to talk to me much (the boys). One-word answers and giggles from them because I like to make them laugh.
In general, why do you think Aunts are important within to families?
I feel like we are a bigger family unit of support so they know we ALL care about them.
I make it a point to schedule “just us” time with my niblings. Do you do the same?
Since we only see each other on holidays, its all of us spending time together. Sometimes the girls break up to chat and the boys go with the uncles to hang out and watch sports/play games.
What is one good piece of advice that you would give it to any new Aunt?
To show love and be present is the biggest gift. When you show genuine care in them, its life-changing. I didn’t learn this until years later as an aunt and mom. I did the best I could but later learned the value of that precious time to connect.
What is one of the biggest difficulties you’ve experienced as an Aunt?
It was hard to see one of my nieces go through really hard times with my sister, and not want to get involved in it. I respected my sister being her mom and in charge of how she raised her and enforced rules…when I would have responded differently.
How did you overcome it?
I realized that she’s doing the best she can and didn’t need rescuing. I just needed to show HER love and express my care to her through it all. We both grew from that experience and it created a better relationship and closeness to be open to express without judgment.
What’s your proudest moment as an Aunt?
When I heard my oldest niece express the difference I made in her life. I just showed love without needing anything in return, but it sure felt good to know how much it impacted her.
If you could go back in time and give your younger Auntie self a piece of advice but would it be? And why?
Being present more. Taking more time out when we lived closer and every time we have together is a gift. Early on I was a workaholic and so focused on my career and goals so I didn’t take a lot of time out to be with family.
I was once told that being a Mom is all cake and being an Aunt is like icing on the cake. How do you feel about that comparison?
Hmm, I’ve never heard that before but it makes sense – it’s an extra sweetness for kids. 🙂
If you had to compare your role as an Aunt to one food what would it be and why?
Pumpkin pie …you indulge in the holidays, love every minute of it, and many times over-indulge. It’s sweet yet not too much. Although sometimes you can top it off with tons of fun whip cream (like our fun laughter/playtime) and everyone wants some 🙂
It describes the time together on holidays, so fun and we never want it to end, I’m sweet yet, tell the truth upfront, and we all have a blast together.
Take The Enchanted Aunt Quiz to find out what type of Auntie you are!
[tqb_quiz id=’284′]