Dana Gutkowski
Latest posts by Dana Gutkowski (see all)
- How can I be a good aunt? - May 19, 2021
- Aunt Quotes - March 19, 2021
- End Your Silence. Support Black Lives Matter - June 29, 2020
Aunts are universally important.
We are a fraction of the whole, but incredibly valuable nonetheless. Now, I say that and simultaneously recognize that not all Aunts are created equal. For various reasons some Aunts just have the title, some just show up for “special events” and others take on the role of second mom. The latter is my audience. I’ve gotten some feedback in the past about how “Aunts really don’t matter”, “They’re not like Moms”, “You’ll never understand”, etc. I ignore most of those people and don’t take anything that they say to heart because THEY don’t get it. If you’re on my blog have read my posts and it’s resonated with you, then you are my audience. I am here for you.
We’re not all the same
They say some women are born to be a mom. I understand that completely, and describe my own mother and sister as one of them. However, I will also say that some women were born to be Aunts. I am that woman, and maybe you are too.
We are often overlooked, under-appreciated (either by society or family), and our role can be devalued by many. Sometimes the more you care and the more you give, the less you’re noticed. For you women, I’m here for you. I know you’re out there. You deserve to be celebrated and my blog is dedicated to you.
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I’ve written original quotes for Aunts to make you laugh, smile, or just have something to read other than “aunts give hugs like a sister” or whatever that overused expression is. These quotes are meant for sharing but cannot be used for commercial use. Please feel free to share with friends, post on your social media, pin to Pinterest boards, or inspire you to write your own. All I ask is that if you are using my work to be please give credit to the author.
I will continue to update this list as time goes on. For now, please enjoy these popular quotes for Aunts taken from excerpts from my blog and my own imagination.
Aunt Quotes

Always there for me
Unconditionally loving
Notably my favorite
Truly special
Dana Gutkowski, The Enchanted Aunt

Not my mom
Nor my friend
A bit of both
A perfect blend
Dana Gutkowski, The Enchanted Aunt

I’m so luck to have you near
Your support gets stronger ever year
I’m so happy to have you close
Cause you’re the Aunt I love the most!
Dana Gutkowski, The Enchanted Aunt

She is…
My teacher
My role model
My trusted ear
My cheerleader
My second Mom
She is my Aunt
Dana Gutkowski, The Enchanted Aunt

Aunts give special attention to our nieces and nephews, but we don’t allow them to walk all over us…at least not with their shoes on.
Dana Gutkowski, The Enchanted Aunt

As Aunts, we get to experience all kinds of joy and discover just how strong we are. We do all this without ever being called Mommy (…on purpose).
Dana Gutkowski, The Enchanted Aunt

To all my fellow Aunts, just because they don’t call you Mom (on purpose) doesn’t mean you don’t love them like one.
Dana Gutkowski, The Enchanted Aunt

To my nieces and nephews,
I love the chaos drama, and complaints you bring to Thanksgiving. Without it, it would be just another meal. But with it, it becomes a holiday.
Dana Gutkowski, The Enchanted Aunt

“They’re not my kids!”
Same Aunt:
“They’ll always be my babies!”
Dana Gutkowski, The Enchanted Aunt

Aunts with their nieces and nephews:
We’re not the reason why they walk this earth. But we are a big reason they can do so knowing they’re loved.
Dana Gutkowski, The Enchanted Aunt

Some women were born to become badass moms. Others were born to be kickass Aunts. I’m the latter.
Dana Gutkowski, The Enchanted Aunt
I’m an aunt but not by choice, I can’t have my own kids. However I’ve helped raise my nephews and nieces. And they will always be my babies.
Of course they’re your babies ❤️ I get it and so do your fellow Aunts.