Dana Gutkowski
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- How can I be a good aunt? - May 19, 2021
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Aunts come in many different shapes, sizes, colors, and categories. I’ve observed many Aunts over the years and found that they all fall into 1 of 4 different categories. There’s the Party Aunt, the Cool Aunt, the Cheerleader Aunt, and the Mommy Aunt.
None are better than the other. They’re all unique and loving in their own way. You may even play the role of each of them at different points of Aunthood.
Think you know what type of Aunt you are? Find out by taking the Enchanted Aunt Quiz at the end.
Party Aunt

The party doesn’t start till you walk in!
There’s one word that completely embodies your relationship with your niece and nephew. What’s that word? FUN!
Party Aunts immediately brighten up the room when they walk in with their light spirit and magnetic personality. They don’t go to parties. They are the party!
Party Aunts are always up for a good time. They always have their niece and nephew’s best interest in mind, but they’re not afraid to bend the rules if needed. You hold a special bond with your niblings and know how to keep a secret. Your niblings will confide in you because you come across as the Aunt that “just gets it”.
However, you can lay low at times too and have a quiet evening at home. And by quiet, I mean it’s filled with jokes and rip-roaring laughter. It doesn’t matter if you’re playing a board game at home or heading out for an impromptu adventure. They know it’ll be a blast simply because you’re involved.
A little secret between you and your niblings: Party Aunts might be ones who give them their first sip of alcohol. SSSSSSHHHHHHH
The perfect T-Shirt and Mug for you:
Check it out on Zazzle and wear it to your next Family Party:
The Cool Aunt

Cool Aunts don’t try to be cool, and they just ARE cool. That’s what makes you cool in the first place.
You don’t try to fit in, your niblings look up to you to see if what they’re doing fits into the “with it” category. You’re not just a teacher of what’s cool, you’re also a student.
Cool Aunts are current with pop culture, they’re independent, and they’re a little mysterious at times. You’re the Aunt that’s not too shy to follow your niece on Instagram. Nor are you afraid to hit your nephew up on Snapchat.
They can trust that you’ll respect their privacy and not over comment on their posts. You’re low key and easy to talk to. Cool Aunts toe the line perfectly between responsible and trendy.
As one of the most popular family members, your niblings know they can turn to you for sound advice. They’re also well aware that you’re the one to call or text when they’re in need of a good laugh after a long day.
You don’t push yourself onto your niblings, they gravitate towards your enchanting personality. You’re confident that the relationship you’ve been building over the years has landed you a permanent place in their hearts.
Perfect T-Shirt and Mug for you:

Cool Aunt Auntie Gift Definition Coffee Mug
by The_Enchanted_Aunt
Check it out on Zazzle and show everyone how you rock Aunt life:
The Cheerleader Aunt

Cheerleader Aunts are the ones that are always on their niblings side. Go team niece! Hooray for my nephew!
You’re their biggest fan since the first day you met! From their first baby steps to their graduation procession, you’ve got a front-row seat cheering them on the whole way. It’s difficult for you to lose that proud Auntie smile when you’re in their presence.
Even if they make a mistake or aren’t making the best life choices, you’ve got their back. You believe in them and are sure that they’ll turn a corner onto the right path. You’re so proud to be their Aunt you can’t help but boast to all your friends and family members about the recent achievements and accomplishments YOUR niece or nephew.
Cheerleader Aunts are likely to update their FaceBook status to have some mention of your niblings from time to time (or quite frequently). You beam with delight every time you see them and aren’t ashamed to let everyone know about it.
Perfect T-Shirt and mugs for you:

Cheerleader Aunt Auntie Gift Coffee Mug
by The_Enchanted_Aunt

Cheerleader Aunt Auntie Niece Neice Coffee Mug
by The_Enchanted_Aunt

Cheerleader Aunt Auntie Definition Blue Nephew Coffee Mug
by The_Enchanted_Aunt
Check it out on Zazzle so you can update your Auntie wardrobe:
Cheerleader Nieces and Nephew Mug
Mommy Aunt

Mommy Aunts might are just that. Like a Mom, only you’re the Aunt. Your niblings are often mistaken for your own children because you can’t help but to love, nurture, and protect them.
You might be a mother as well, and in that case, your niblings just blend in with the pack. You’re not afraid to raise your voice to them, correct bad behavior, or adamantly disagree with them. You know that in the end, the conflict will only result in a closer relationship and better understanding of how they think.
You can get down with the “Mom Talk” not only because you can relate to what’s being said, but also because you’ve got stories of your own to share. The only difference is, “my son” or “my daughter” will be replaced with “my nephew” or “my niece“.
You’ve wiped their butts, read them bedtime stories, and baked them birthday cakes, not because you have to, but because you love them. Mommy Aunts know they’re not the Mom, but they’re so connected to your niece or nephew that no one can tell the difference. Your niblings turn to you when they’re happy, mad, sad, and everything in between.
Perfect T-Shirt and mug for you:

Aunt Auntie Quote Mug Definition Coffee Mug
by The_Enchanted_Aunt
Find it on Zazzle here and let the world know how blessed you are to be an Auntie.
I hope you enjoyed reading about the 4 different types of Aunts. Think you know what type of Aunt you are? Take The Enchanted Aunt Quiz and find out if you’re right!
[tqb_quiz id=’284′]
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