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Dana Gutkowski

I am the mother of none, but the very proud Aunt to four beautiful children. I did absolutely no work to create them, but I will do everything in my power to help raise them.

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Becoming an Aunt for the first time is a truly unique experience. If you’ve never been around kids, or you have but didn’t pay them much attention, it may change your entire outlook on kids in general. Becoming an Aunt will surely change your life forever.

However, just the fact that you’ve become an Aunt doesn’t mean that there aren’t certain things that will stick out as being some of the best experiences in your role. Babies can’t do much, but there are certain “baby’s firsts” that’ll make your Auntie heart grow 10 times bigger.

Let’s explore some baby’s firsts for Aunts that’ll melt your heart.

1.) The first time you hold them in your arms

You’ve been waiting a long time for this day to come! From the first moment that you were told you’re going to be an Aunt, I’m sure your heart was beaming with delight. But now it becomes real the first time you’re able to hold your little niece or nephew in your arms.

It’s love at first sight. It’s not romantic love, it’s Auntie love. That feeling will stick with you for the rest of your life.

2.) The first time you smell them

Yes, I know that sounds strange, but new babies have a specific smell to them. It’s hard to describe, but it’s very distinct. You can’t help but smile once you get a whiff of that new baby scent. It’s as if your nose is immediately drawing you in and telling your brain, love, protect, and cherish this little person. And you will.

3.) The first time you make them laugh.

Making a baby laugh means that they’re responding to you! They’re not crying for a bottle, to be held, or to be comforted. They’re taking in what you’re doing and it’s making them laugh. It’s them really interacting with you for the first time. It’s simple, it’s honest, and it’s addictive. People turn into total clowns when they’re around babies and now you know why. It feels good to make them laugh.

4.) The first time they wrap their hand our your finger

Most babies clinch their first and grab for objects around them. Sometimes it’s your nose, sometimes, it’s your hair, and sometimes it’s your finger. When they grab on to your finger it’s a similar feeling to getting a hug. No, they don’t know what they’re doing, but who cares. They’re too little to do much of anything else. Once they take hold of your finger you’ll never want them to let go.

5.) The first time they recognize you and smile

You’ll know it cause they’ll show it. You walk into the room, make eye contact and they throw up their hands in delight that you’re there! When their eyes bug out and light up cause they see you, you’ll remember it. This will be a memory that will stand out and become one of your “happy places” in your head. It’s one of the best feelings in the world.

6.) The first time they give you an unprovoked hug

You won’t see this one coming and you might tear up. For no reason what so ever, your niece or nephew will catch you off guard and run up to you to give you a hug. It’s not because you gave them something, or promised them something if they’re good, it’s simply because you are you. That hug will feel different than all the others. Wait for it.

7.) The first time they say “I love you.”

I’m sure you’ll always be telling your nieces and nephews that you love them. You can’t help it. It just slips out because the feelings you have for them are overwhelming. But the first time they say “I love you” to you, whoa! Your stomach will tingle, your eyes will tear, and your smile will seem like it’s never going away.

8.) The first time they say your name

Babies are little sponges sucking in the entire environment. They’ll learn, Mama, Dada, milk, etc. They quickly pick up on the essentials to their survival. However, the moment they learn your name, nickname, or something even remotely close to it – BAM. Fireworks in the sky!

9.) The first time they ask for you specifically

When children are little, they always want Mommy. And that’s completely normal. You’ll be hearing Mama, Mommy, Maaaaaa, etc for months and months once they start talking and ask for things. The magic happens when they no longer just ask for Mama. When you’re thrown into the mix of their favorite people, your two worlds will collide.

10.) The first time you pick up the phone and hear their voice on the other end

We all know who’s calling thanks to cell phones and caller ID. You’ll be expecting to hear your sister, brother, or in-law on the other line when you pick up. But this time you’re caught completely off guard. Instead of one of them, you get your niece or nephew on the other line.

You’ll no longer hear their voice. Instantly, Pharrell Williams’ Happy is your new soundtrack to life.

11.) The first time they recall a shared experience with you.

This will happen when they get a little older and their memories start to form. Every child is different. This could happen sooner or later depending on the specific circumstances. But remembering anything that they do with you will stick like glue in your brain.

You never know what’s going to have the biggest impact on their lives. For one of my nieces, it was me taking her favorite park, for one of my nephews, it was our trips to Target, or as he calls them “adventures”. I didn’t care where we were going, just that I was with them. But you see, the little things do matter to kids.

So when you hear them say, “remember that time when…” or “can we do that again” it’s nearly impossible to say no. If they bring it up, it means something to them and it the fact that they remembered it will mean a lot to you too.

Want a cute shirt to welcome your new niece or nephew into the world? Check out these matching Aunt and Niece / Nephew shirts for babies and toddlers!

Do you have a first for your niece or nephew that melted your heart, but wasn’t mentioned above? Let me know in the comments below.

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