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Dana Gutkowski

I am the mother of none, but the very proud Aunt to four beautiful children. I did absolutely no work to create them, but I will do everything in my power to help raise them.

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Having an Aunt is so important and here are just some of the reasons why.

Your Aunt is your forever playmate

Aunts start playing with their nieces and nephews when they’re babies and they never stop.

When your Aunt is there she’s ready to put on her party hat and ask the kids what they’re gonna play today.

No matter their age, she knows they’re gonna have fun together.

Your Aunt is your family and your friend

You’ll have your friendships with your peers which are great, but then there are friendships with your family.  Aunts know you on a different level because they’ve been with you since the beginning.

Your Aunt is a mediator when you need one with your parents

Reasons why Aunts are so important in your life

Parents are going to fight with their children. That’s part of parenting.

Aunts can offer the much needed buffer during those tense moments. They can go for a walk with you or invite you over to their house to get some space.

Aunts will let you vent and provide that much needed ear in the most crucial times.

Your Aunt can set you straight 

Aunts will let you know when you’re out of line. Sometimes emotions just get the best of us, and Aunts will let you know when it’s one of those times.

Aunts step up and step in when necessary, but at the end of the day we can hug it out.

Your Aunt is your teacher

Aunts let you into their world and show you what they’re best at, which can be different from anyone else that you know. She’ll teach you her recipes, her skillsets, and her perspective on the world.

Your Aunt is the best babysitter

Babysitting is when Mom or Dad have commitments and/or engagements and want or need to be kid free for a period of time. And who should they call upon as their most trusted babysitter?

Well, if they have the option, an Aunt is a great choice for this very task. We’re a trusted resource for parents and it’s also a great way for us to build strong bonds with our niblings (especially the younger ones).

Your Aunt can tell you stories and the inside scoop about your parents

Who better to tell you stories about your parents then the people who grew up right alongside of them?

Aunts have the unique opportunity to shed new light on Mom or Dad – what THEY were like when they were kids. They really weren’t as perfect as you think they were. The only reason why they know what to look out for is because they did it first!

Your Aunt is supportive of your parents

Raising children comes with a lot of heavy lifting. Parents need a break sometimes and someone to vent to about their frustrations.

Aunts with children of their own can let parents know that they’re not alone in their struggles because of the experiences they’re currently facing.

Aunts with no children can also provide guidance on what they might do if they were in their shoes.

Sometimes it takes an outsider’s perspective to suggest a different approach and provide supportive insight.

Your Aunt is an excellent role model

Aunts are confidants and role models that can be looked up to in addition to parents.  

Aunts provide a safe place for their nieces and nephews to vent and explore new boundaries within our trusted relationships.

Your Aunt is a great therapist

Aunts are there for a quick phone call, short visit, long visit, guidance, and nurturing.

She’ll help you in solving any of your problems both simple and complex. She’s a trusted ear, a warm hug, and a sound voice.

Sometimes having your Aunt around is all the therapy you need.

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