I am the mother of none, but the very proud Aunt to four beautiful children. I did absolutely no work to create them, but I will do everything in my power to help raise them.
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So you’re going to be an Aunt for the first time? Congratulations!
Becoming an Aunt will change your life forever. There will be major highs like when you hold your new niece or nephew for the first time. And there will also be low points when you’re not sure how to navigate through family dynamics. In its entirety, it’s an amazing experience and you’ll grow into an entirely different person.
There will be tons of preparing for the new Mama to be, but guess what? You’ve gotta prepare too! Aunts are the number 1 trusted babysitters! You’re the trusted family member that will be turned to for support. And how do you support them the best? Being just as prepared for the baby as their parents.
You’re gonna want to have your own visits and sleepovers too! That means that your home has to ready for the new baby. So that means you’re gonna need some supplies!
It’s nice to be able to visit family and spend the day with your nieces and nephews, but it’s even better when they can come to your house! I’ve put together a list of 10 essential items every new Aunt should invest in to make visits frequent and stressfree.
Everyone is more comfortable in their own space, so if your house is ready with baby gear, you’ll get to see a lot more of you niblings! Moms are going to supply you with milk or formula, extra clothing, diapers, and wipes, etc. But she can’t pack her entire house just for a 2-hour visit.
If you make it easier on her, you’ll be able to be her go-to sitter and get as much one on one time as possible. When I first learned I was going to be an Aunt, I didn’t think that I would need anything at my house. However, as it turned out, I nearly needed a registry myself!
First things first! Every Aunt needs her own onesie!
Children’s clothes have become walking billboards for brands. So why shouldn’t they be branded with your Aunt love? I made it point to find at least one onesie for each of my nieces and nephews. The world needed to put on notice that they’re adored by their Aunt (me). You’ll want to do the same. It’ll put a smile on your face and warm your heart every time you’re sent a picture of your new niece or nephew sporting their Auntie onesie.
The Graco pack n’ play was something that I never imagined I’d need, but it wound up being a lifesaver!
Why invest in a pack ‘n play?
Because you can’t possibly hold a baby or toddler for that long without wondering if you’ll ever regain feeling in your arms. Yes, you’re going to want to snuggle with you nibling, who wouldn’t?! But you also need your freedom to move around baby-free and worry-free!
They’ll need a safe place to take naps, sit and play, watch tv, or just hang out for a few while you’re fixing a bottle or meal.
What do you do after they’ve outgrown it?
Depending on the child, you could get around 3 to 4 years of use from the Graco Pack ‘N Play. Plus, what if they become a big brother or sister? You’ll then have it even longer because it’ll be used for the next baby in your life.
I had mine for 9 years before donating it to a family friend. If you keep yours clean and in good working order, you’ll be able to do the same once that day comes.
What I love about it:
It’s roomie enough for the little one to not feel confined but also doesn’t take up much space to store. This pack ‘n play is easy to open up and breaks down in seconds. Also, it’ll fit nicely into a corner, closet, or under the bed when not in use. It’s a no-fuss item that’s well worth the investment.
It doesn’t matter how young your niece or nephew is, they need to hear someone speaking to them. Hearing others talk is how they’ll learn to talk themselves.
I liked to sing to them a lot, but sometimes I needed a break from the nursery rhymes. Instead of turning on the tv or YouTube, grab a book from your bookshelf and get a little stimulation for yourself.
Children’s books don’t take up much space. And you might not always have time to head to the library. Buying a few will not only encourage them to eventually read on their own, but there are also a number of other bonding benefits.
It’ll also give them a head start in developing their language skills. And it’s a healthy form of entertainment for both you and your nibling!
These are the top picks of books that I’ve read to many children throughout the years. They’ve gotten me the best responses especially when I changed your voice for different characters and exaggerated words when called for.
Much like the pack ‘n play, a highchair is a must have. Where will the baby eat?! When they’re bottle feeding, you can hold them in your arms, or prop them up on a boppy pillow.
However, once the real food is introduced, they’ll need a seat at the table! Even if you’re not babysitting, in order to have the family over for dinner, this is something that Mom won’t be able to throw into a diaper bag.
A highchair is something that will be used for years and it’s essential to have in your home.
What I love about this:
This model be folded up and stored when it’s not in use. If you don’t have children of your own, it’s nice to be able to put items like this away and take them out as needed.
Ah, the dreaded car seat. One thing that I’ve found to be the most annoying and freedom hindering is the need for car seats!
Don’t get me wrong, I’d never put any babies safety at risk. I’ll always use a car seat. However, as far as impromptu and last minute plans – the car seat always gets in the way.
I decided that our family needed more than one car seat because I wanted to drive my own car and take my niblings out. It gets complicated to coordinate plans when there’s only one car seat. Having more than one gives more freedom to the family to enjoy each other’s time. It just makes sense to buy one.
What I love about this:
This car seat has a latch installment. Two clicks and you’re ready for the baby. It also helped my sister out tremendously because uninstalling and reinstalling a car seat can be treacherous. Many times we’d forgo plans because of only having one car seat around. This was a life changer! There’s a need for it for years until they’re big enough for a booster seat.
At first, your niblings are going to just have bottles and nipples as their feeding sources. Eventually, they’ll be introduced to real food and will need dinnerware.
Make no mistake, children need plastic everything when they’re learning how to eat. Babies and young children will need bowls, plates, silverware, and cups. And they’ll have zero table manners.
They’ll throw them onto the floor either by accident, or on purpose because they think it’s funny, or to get your attention. Your glass items are no match for an unpredictable newbie eater!
When I first invested in their dinnerware, I went with simple colors. Not only did it give me an excuse to talk about colors on a regular basis, but also, they didn’t have favorite characters yet. Start simple, and then supplemented with character items later on.
Also, I preferred having sippy cups to minimize spills. These sippy cups by Munchkin are really cool because they have to bite down before any liquid comes out.
My niece and nephews always chewed off the nipples of their sippy cups so they didn’t last long. These are meant to be bitten so they’re perfect for chronic biters AKA toddlers!
The lids twist closed and cannot be removed easily by children. This will decreases the chances of them pouring a glass of milk onto their heads when your back is turned.
Yes, most Moms carry snacks in the diaper bags, but it’s also nice to have some of your own on the shelf. Any little thing that you can do to help Mom is a plus.
What I love about them:
When babies are teething they love to put things in their mouths to soothe the pain. These snacks were go-to items for my nieces and nephews and I always had them around. We had to try a few flavors to find out which was their favorite. After that, they became a staple in my pantry and freezer.
Babies make lots of messes! It’s not uncommon for them to need more than one bath in a day.
We had lots of sleepovers in my house and it was a routine to get a bedtime bath. It relaxed them and my sister didn’t have to worry about yet another thing to pack because it was at my house!
What I love about this:
I kept this bath wash and lotion in my house for years because it has a soothing smell and it’s was great for their sensitive skin.
Yes, they can use one of your towels, but it’s nice to have items that are just there’s to keep in your home. These adorable hooded towels are a favorite of my niece and nephews.
What I love about this:
They love looking in the mirror to see themselves dressed up as different animals. My nephew LOVED his shark towel! If you get it a little bigger than it lasts longer. A towel is not something you outgrow unless you get the really tiny ones. Having it too big is better for this type of item.
So there you have it. I hope that you have found what you were looking for. Making the small investment has made our lives happier and easier! I got to have plenty of sleepovers, took them out of little adventures, was prepared my kitchen for their visits. All while sporting their Auntie clothing! Stock up now, Aunie! You can thank me later 🙂