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Dana Gutkowski

I am the mother of none, but the very proud Aunt to four beautiful children. I did absolutely no work to create them, but I will do everything in my power to help raise them.

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Does your Aunt bring a smile to your face when her name is mentioned? Are you excited to spend time with her because you have so many great memories from when you were growing up? Is she like your second mom? If you have a special Aunt in your life, you just know it in your heart.

Have you ever stopped to thank her for what she has done for you? Here are the reasons to be thankful for your Aunt.

1.) Your Aunt listened to you when you needed it the most

Your Aunt gave you her undivided attention. She didn’t interrupt you or judge you for how you felt. When you needed an ear she gave you hers without any questions asked.

2.) Your Aunt was your teacher

Your Aunt let you into her world and showed you what she’s best at. She opened to you taught you skills to make you a more well-rounded person. She taught you her recipes, her skillsets, and shed new light on topics by giving you her perspective.

3.) Your Aunt was a support to your parents

Parents do the brunt of the heavy lifting when it comes to raising children. They are involved in your everyday lives and often need a break. Your Aunt was there to provide that necessary support to your parents when they needed it the most. Whether it was to babysit or a therapy session over the phone, your Aunt was there for your parents just as much as she was there for you.

4.) Your Aunt was your role model

Growing up, children need relationships outside of their immediate family unit to help shade and develop your mind. Your Aunt was there as a role model for how you to look up to during those crucial years of development to show you the way. She wasn’t always perfect, but she was always present.

5.) She didn’t always let you get your way

Let’s face it. You weren’t always at your best. Just like every child, you had your emotional break downs, your temper tantrums, and sometimes you were downright rude to those around you. Every child is guilty of that at some point or another. And you know who was there to set you straight when she saw it happening? Your Aunt. Even though she loved you unconditionally, sometimes she had to show you, tough love, too.

6.) You could tell your Aunt things that you couldn’t admit to your parents

As your Aunt, she didn’t have the power to punish you in the same way your parents did. That takes some of the fear away to a confession. And sometimes you needed to vent about your parents. She didn’t betray your trust, she kept your secrets to herself.

Not only did she give you her ear, but she gave you sound advice. She helped you in solving any of your problems both simple and complex. She was a trusted ear, a warm hug, and a sound voice. Sometimes having your Aunt around is all the therapy you needed.

7.) She chose to be a part of your life

Your Aunt has been crowned her title because her sister or brother have brought you into this world. She didn’t have a choice when it came to this life-altering event. Her title was based is based on genealogy.

However, she did have a choice to be involved in your life. There was no obligation for her to make it to your baseball games, your dance recitals, or to invite you into her home for quality time. She did all of that because she wanted to.

8.) Your Aunt bent the rules for you

When she was your babysitter she didn’t always abide by your bedtime. After dessert was served, she may have slipped you an extra piece of chocolate when no one was looking. She might have let you take a sip of her cocktail just to find out what all the fuss was about. And when you were a teenager, she may have taken you to an R rated movie.

She didn’t always play by the book, but she did always keep you safe. By doing so, she made you feel special.

9.) Your Aunt helped you when you were afraid

New experiences can be scary. Your Aunt was there for you to give you that extra push you needed to try something new. Even if she was scared too, she put on her brave face and never let on that there was any worry on her part.

Remember that rollercoaster you were never on before? Your Aunt was in the seat next to you. She always had your back.

10.) She allowed you space to find yourself

Growing up is tough. You’re never quite sure of anything and it takes time to discover who you are and what you’re mean to do. The answers don’t always come easy to everyone.

Your Aunt let you explore that part of yourself. The part that was unsure, vulnerable, arrogant, and cocky. She let you curse. Your Aunt pretended like you did know best even when you didn’t. She let you cry on her shoulder when you were so frustrated with EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. She just let you be you.

A relationship between and Aunt and her nieces and nephews is unique and like no other. She’s loved you like you were your own but never smothered you. Your Aunt was an active participant in your life that taught you things that your parents couldn’t. Thank her for that relationship and for all the years she spent nurturing you without any obligation on her part .

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